(name) Elgaroo
(quest) To make this form work right.
(swallow) Ummm...I'll tell you later.
(eddress) elgaroo@geocities.com
(where) Columbia, Maryland, U.S.A.
(age) 17
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4208/
(meat) spam
(religion) Church of the Bunny
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) "Ring!"
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I've got my pants going.
(comments) Revise this stinkin survey already. And clean it up too. Sheesh!
(name) Mere Boman
(quest) To find the button, kiss Trent Reznor, and see my friends happy!
(swallow) unlaiden...uh...that's a word? =)
(eddress) boman@erols.com
(where) Woodstock...(No, not the festival)
(age) 15
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) Celtic
(tingle) Fire, power
(beatle) paul
(frequency) I hate R.E.M
(band) They Might Be Giants, NIN, MM
(doobie) yes
(movie) Akira was confusing!Any Van-damme movie!
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, popculture, mtv, religions, skim, censorship,
ricky, loosers
(book) Cujo, or any Stephen King book at all
(comic) Used to be Bloodstrike...anything Image
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) Well, now that I know you like me already, I feel quite willing to
open myself up to you. To be completely honest, I am not human, but being as it
was that you did not ask me that in the upper portion of this essay, I feel
obliged to tell you now. I am actully an alien from the planet ZeeBaDee. We
resemble somewhat what you earthlings would call Bunnies, allthough in natural
form, we are around 9, 10 feet tall and stand on two legs. We have come from
ZeeBaDee not to take over your world, as many humans feel compelled to be
paroniod about, in fact we find it most disgusting and polluted here, and would
not stay under ordinary circumstances. We have come to educate your rabbits. I
believe the band Tool wisely relays such an idea. "Let the rabbits wear
glasses!" (Yes, they too are alien like I.) You will know when we have completed
our mission, because the bunnies will have risen all the way to wall
street...not just on jackets any longer. Then, with our fore most task completed
we will depart rather peacefully, only taking a few human subjects to be drones.
Do not worry, we will not take you, you are too important to this cycle of the
earth to displace. You are a liberator of the bunnies, and for that we thank
I found your homepage most enjoyable, loved the fuzzy bunnies, keep it up
@>-'-- -- Mere
(name) Metallica Boy
(quest) I seek the Grail
(swallow) What do you mean? An African or European
(eddress) jshapiro@earthlink.net
(where) Columbia (hell) MD
(age) 15
(gender) Hermaphrodite
(page) /TimesSquare/7178/
(meat) spam
(religion) Aetheistic Dabbler
(tingle) People named Shoelace
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 6669
(band) Metallifukinca
(doobie) yes
(movie) A Clockwork Orange
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, mtv, school, censorship, john, loosers
(book) A Clockwork Orange's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Gorgonzola
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
Stop posting that fucking, Bob Bobette story. Holly told me the real story,
stop your bitching, there is no scar or asnything. Did you get home from
Catonsville o.k.? Hope so, when is Ian getting soon. See ya
(comments) I love you and want to hasve mad gay sex with
(name) Jennifer McClain
(quest) *I search for the holy grail
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) jmcclain@msys.net
(where) Buckhannon, WV USA
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(page) http://www.msys.net/jmcclain
(sitename1) frontiers
(siteaddress1) http://www.uni-corn.demon.co.uk
(sitename2) IUMA
(siteaddress2) http://www.iuma.com
(sitename3) PHISH
(siteaddress3) http://www.phish.com
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) patchouli and sandalwood oils
(beatle) john
(frequency) I *love* that song..
(band) Favourite?? there are so many...
(doobie) yes
(movie) What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
skim, apples, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) The World According To Garp (HHG ranks)
(comic) Aeon FLux
(vote) Ross Perot
(cheese) Feta (yay!!)
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I'm 17 and stuck in my senior year of high school in West Virginia (yes
amongst the rednecks -- it's awful). I love writing (poetry and prose),
programming (teaching myself C++ and Java now), music (Barenaked Ladies,
Phish, Rush, Pure, Pooka... erm.. I can go on forever) -- mainly indie
and techno... -- I'm obsessed with puters and technology in general...
Erm... superficially, I'm 5'8 with *bright* blue eyes and shoulder-length
brown hair.. I buy most of my clothes at the Salvation Army (ooers I luv
de velvet shirts and army clothes...) and I used to model *innocent
blink* before I got too busy... Enough spam yet?
Oooers.. I love the poetry and everything (your writing style is so
cute!) and think you're quite amusing and you should defnitely email
me =) Hehehe.
(name) Stormcrow Perianwyr
(quest) To find something. I'm not telling you! Then you might get ideas.
Hell, you might even find it before me. And then you might not tell me. So then
I'd spend a good long time looking for something that somebody else already
found and wouldn't know that. So there.
(swallow) 5.23 to the 5th
(eddress) crow@erols.com
(where) columbia md hell
(age) 17
(gender) Male
(page) rather not mention that it sucks
(sitename1) Archaic Ruins
(siteaddress1) http://www.futureone.com/~damaged/AR/
(sitename2) Rhubarb T-Shirts
(siteaddress2) http://www.weblinc.com/rhubarb/
(sitename3) Your Mom
(siteaddress3) http://www.yourmom.com
(meat) spam
(religion) Haven't transferred title
(tingle) Tasers
(beatle) john
(frequency) H
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) Aliens
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, school, censorship, loosers
(book) The Antarctica Trilogy
(comic) The Watchmen
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) There was a war underground between the Eternal Snowmen and the
Steel Chickens. Many forces were marshalled, much blood and water spilled, and
no real conclusion was drawn. It continues today. It is known as the
Presidential Campaign.
(comments) forty-six and two, just ahead of me.
(name) Baldor Goathead Ron
My quest is to destroy the Bloody Stick Man once and for all,
and to collect all existing black things and belly wax matter
in the universe.
(swallow) shhhwoooomma(blurp)
(eddress) unknown
(where) Columbia MD, USA
(age) 23
(gender) Unditermined
(sitename1) i
(siteaddress1) know
(sitename2) nothing
(siteaddress2) of
(sitename3) the
(siteaddress3) sort.
(sitename4) urrrrp
(siteaddress4) schwwwllabbbp (pop!)
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) whatever that thing right there is
(beatle) john
(frequency) Z?
(band) They Might Be Midgits
(doobie) yes
(movie) Phalus in Wonderland
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, mtv, school, religions, sports, skim,
apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) Alvin Maker series
(comic) JTHM
(vote) Twig
(cheese) belly button
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I live in your navel
(comments) I have uncovered you at long last, BROWN COW!
(name) Tin Man(florian)
(quest) to seek the archaic ruins of the lost civilization of the grue
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) wikked_dreamer@geocities.com
(where) Columbia, MD, USA
(age) 17
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/soho/5226/glass.html
(sitename1) Your Mom(really!)
(siteaddress1) www.yourmom.com
(sitename2) Rachel's Portfolio
(siteaddress2) www.insoc.org/ONX/portfol.htm
(sitename3) Hell(really!)
(siteaddress3) www.hell.com
(siteaddress4) www.geocities.com/soho/4208/merlin.html
(meat) spam
(religion) Opuscapalian
(tingle) Tingly Things
(beatle) john
(frequency) 2600
(band) Kan't Decide
(doobie) yes
(movie) Ghost in the Shell/Akira/City of lost Ch
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
apples, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) The Stranger, by Albert Camus
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Brie
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
gzzz...gzzz...sp00n dist0rti0n...microsloth internet exploder...star staples and
broken little fingers twitch incessantly at the ends of chair legs which i have
fastened to my shoulders in a vain attempt to approximate arms
(name) John (Wookie) Frost
(quest) To seek the Holy Grail! =)
(swallow) African or european?
(eddress) Snowman@erols.com
(where) Ellicott City
(age) 15
(gender) Male
(sitename1) yours is the coolest
(sitename2) Ravenfire
(siteaddress2) www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Alley/1314
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) asphyxiation (did I spell it right?)
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 6.02x10to the 23rd
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Vampire Hunter D
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, popculture, school, religions, sports, skim,
censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) Life is Hell
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) cheddar
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I ahve nothing else to tell. Angie says that I am her best friend
of over a year now and I am talking on the phone with her right now. Hi
Shoelace its me John!!!!!
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, rangers, school, sports, john, ricky, elgaroo, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) comic books are a waste of time and mony
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Rotton moldy blue ch
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I like to kill trees cause the teachers in high school make me do
it in thier evil plan to destroy the earth. Teachers are the morbid angles of
(comments) http://www.bonsey.com
(name) B. V. / Bluebells / Pooky
To reach a state of happiness and fulfillment...
To get to know as much people as possible...
(swallow) ? 50km/h (sorry for the kilometres)
(eddress) SpaceDog@dma.be
(where) Leuven, Belgium
(age) 18
(gender) E-male
(page) www.dma.be/p/bewoner/SpaceDog/Eng.htm
(sitename1) Pianochick's homep.
(siteaddress1) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2187
(sitename2) Surfchat
(sitename3) Ingar's Death page
(siteaddress3) tristan.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/~ingar
(sitename4) The church of Tori
(siteaddress4) http://cctr.umkc.edu/user/cgladish/tori.
(meat) spam
(religion) Catholic
(tingle) Tori amos or any other good Music...
(beatle) paul
(band) Radiohead ?
(doobie) no
(movie) Dune -- it really is...
(destroy) grapenuts, popculture, school, religions, censorship, loosers
(book) Anything by E.A.Poe
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Camembert
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Well I'm a first year Comp Science student from Belgium...
and I like chatting, 'cos you get to meet so many people
(Yes, I try to meet them, and it usually is great)
I LOVE Tori Amos, but other music can be great to...I like that
kind of music people call "alternative (ahem) rock" and some other
pop groups...but please don't give those stupid chart stuff...
Otherwise I like to read, and walk, and talk...
(comments) It's good.
(name) Christina Jackson
(quest) To have a FUNKY day.
(where) Columbia, MD USA
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, rangers, school, religions, censorship, john, loosers
(book) Bunnicula
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I have much Ranma. Much Ranma indeed.
(comments) You are the strangest , wierdest , person I have ever known.COOL!
(name) I forget
(quest) What?
(swallow) You watch to many Monty Python movies.
(eddress) czech@toolcity.net
(where) Pennsylvania
(age) 13
(gender) Male
(page) geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/7009
(siteaddress1) Look at the links on my page
(meat) spam
(religion) misc.
(tingle) dehydrated waffles
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) Come again?
(band) Nirvana
(doobie) no
(movie) ID4
(destroy) barney, rangers, school, sports, apples, censorship, john, ricky,
(book) Whats a book
(comic) I dont have a favorite
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) American
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
If your doing this survey so you can stalk me down and slit my throat
I will peel your flesh of like the skin of a ripe bannana. If you r
doing it because your crazy thats ok in my book. I try to be me and
not give a crap what others think. I try to have fun and be the best
darn freak I can be.
I like your survey it was fun. although some of the questions did not
have enough possible answers in my opinion.
(name) michelle
to not be bored and partake in president's day sacrifical rituals everyday
opposed to only once a year only i end up running out of ginger
ale, wigs and uncristened infants
(swallow) the swallower has rabies, 0 vel.
(eddress) cosmic@scsn.net
(where) columbia, SC
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(page) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/6177
(sitename1) oohooh animat ion
(siteaddress1) http://www.2cowherd.net/catseye/anp/nerd
(sitename2) handy music finder
(siteaddress2) http://gemm.com/
(sitename3) nancy
(siteaddress3) http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/nancy/
(sitename4) theoretical balls
(siteaddress4) http://bart518a.uafdorms.alaska.edu/brad
(meat) spam
(religion) Bob's order of blind virgins
(tingle) scrolling paragraphs in star wars
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) integer between 1, 2
(band) The 3rd grade, Half Japanese, Raincoats
(doobie) yes
(movie) anything Akira Kurosawa, Jan Svankmajer
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, nsa, school, sports, john, ricky, loosers
(book) Perfume
(comic) zap,From Hel,V For Vendetta
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) you liar, you don't like me. i'm sick of people lieing to me...the
next time it happens i'm gonna chop their head off
(comments) i forgot...umm how do you loop music? i want to loop the la LA lala
LA laLAlala smurf song on mine :)
(name) Rü
(quest) To put a red rubber ball in yer l'il bunny rabbit's mouth...
(swallow) Blue
(eddress) freax@intergate.bc.ca
(where) Vancouver, B.C. Canada
(age) 25
(gender) Female
(page) http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/
(sitename1) Surreal Complements
(siteaddress1) http://pharmdec.wustl.edu/cgi-bin/jardin
(sitename2) Abuse-A-Tron
(siteaddress2) http://www.xe.net/upstart/abuse/
(sitename3) Cruel Site o' Day
(siteaddress3) http://www.cruel.com/
(sitename4) Marcia Brady naked..
(siteaddress4) http://www.paranoia.com/marcia.jpg
(meat) spam
(religion) Paganostic
(tingle) velvet and aqua velva
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 23
(band) 16Horsepower, Nick Cave, Dead Can Dance,
(doobie) yes
(movie) City of The Lost Children /Man Bites Dog
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, religions, sports, censorship, loosers
(book) Alice in Wonderland or Geek Love
(comic) Gregory, Shade, & Sandman
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Brie or cheddar
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Hmmmm...I'm new at this html thing & just got my first page up...I write...and
people (including a weirdo Jesus freak who wanted to tell me about his dream of
buggering Mary) keep writing me, occationly taking it upon themselves to call me
sick. I like chicken. I don't like veal.
I HATE clowns. I love rabbits (but not to eat). I have 10 holes in my body that
weren't there when I was born. I smoke. I don't go to church. I have had 4
boyfriends named Chris. I write down my dreams. I take psychology, philosophy, &
multimedia. It hailed for 20 minutes earlier today. I am not afraid of the dark.
I like rum. I'm going to stop now.
I loved your page...that's why I'm still here. Only some of the slots in here
were to small for what I wanted to write...
I will be back. Come visit my page if you like.
Can I html here to make it easy? or will that just make a mess?...s'okay...I
LIKE messes...
(name) Empress
(quest) To live my life to it's fullest and never look back.
(swallow) ???????
(eddress) unknown
(where) california
(age) 26
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) john
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, rangers, sports, censorship
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) Archie
(vote) Ross Perot
(cheese) Brie
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
(name) Jess
(quest) To seek the true meaning of life
(swallow) See the Quest for the holy grail
(eddress) jesspc@hotmail.com
(where) Skovby, DK
(age) 18
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/5150
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) nuttin'
(beatle) none
(frequency) 93,7 hz
(band) Total Eclipse
(doobie) yes
(movie) Pulp Fiction
(destroy) loosers
(book) Burning Chrome
(comic) Python
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) Mozarella
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
(themselves) I'm not ill or anything - you know!!
(comments) Great homepage, wish it was mine.
(name) angi
(quest) hehehe...im a slacker(this is a silly Monty Python question isnt it?)
(eddress) you should know this
(where) in the state of confusion
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) i am not a cow
(beatle) ringo
(band) hmm...the Beatles...yep
(doobie) yes
(movie) help
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, school, religions, sports, skim,
censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) hmm...good question
(comic) johnny the homicidal maniac
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) i am still not a cow and m&m's will never be the same
(comments) silly silly Brenza!
(name) Jenn Westervelt
(quest) to write and smoke and and play the piano and fuck my way through life
(swallow) 66 mph ?!?
(eddress) i don't know
(where) Ellicott City MD
(age) 15
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) Unsure
(tingle) when i play Tori on the piano
(beatle) none
(band) Machines of Loving Grace
(doobie) no
(movie) Heathers or Clockwork Orange
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, sports, censorship,
(book) The Viking Portable Beat Reader
(comic) ???????????
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) mozzarella
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
once upon a time there was a cotton candy slut who would've been a beauty if
she's kept her mouth shut
Polyester princess getting pretty plenty play
Tore up from the floor up and this is what she's say
I'm so sexy, I'm so sorry
Bargain Basement mata Hari my proportions epidemic
just a bimbo with a gimmic
I dig it
(name) Jen Davis
To find a nice sub-tropical native tribe to adopt me
into their primitive but spiritually fulfilling lifestyle.
(swallow) 0.6 c (relativistically speaking)
(eddress) jenesis@pantheon.yale.edu
(where) New Haven CT, and Serena,IL
(age) 20
(gender) Female
(page) http://pantheon.yale.edu/~jenesis
(siteaddress1) check out the links on my page.
(meat) spam
(religion) Ha! My religion belongs to me!
(tingle) Gold Bond Medicated Powder
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 760MHz
(band) Rubber.
(doobie) yes
(movie) I actually hooked up to Akira once...
(destroy) barney, rangers, religions, sports, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) Seventh Son, by Orson Scott Card
(comic) Usagi Yojimbo(Samurai Rabbit)
(vote) Ross Perot
(cheese) I LOVE Feta! Goats!
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I've just been reading your fuzzy bunny stories.
(Yes, I actually did a Alta Vista search for "fuzzy bunny".
That's how I got here.)
You know, for a while, I've repeated the phrase "fuzzy bunnies" to
myself when I need to fight off nausea. You see, fuzzy bunnies
were the least nauseating thing I could think of.
Your stories have changed all that.
Just letting you know, you've made a difference in someone's life.
Here--I'll have my pet spider monkey throw some feces at you.
That's his way of saying that he liked your page.
I did too, despite the fuzzy bunny thing.
Happy Zombie Day, Fuzzy bunny!
(That's Easter for those that don't think that the whole
rising from the dead thing is kinda creepy like Night of
the Living Dead (original black and white version) .)
(name) Catalina
(swallow) 241 mph
(eddress) Catalin24@aol.com
(where) Maryland
(age) 14482
(gender) Unditermined
(meat) spam
(religion) Methodist
(tingle) Bacon
(beatle) paul
(band) 311
(doobie) yes
(movie) Ghandi
(destroy) grapenuts, rangers, nsa, school, skim, apples, censorship, ricky
(book) How to goto the bathroom in the woods
(comic) Archie
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Bleu (mold)
(bunny) mean
(holly) justified
(themselves) Is bobbete a girl?
(comments) I believe there was a conspiracy against Fuzzy Bunny and he is now
being held by the government at area 51
(name) sexual hueva/Aja
(quest) To find a way to keep Jon from molesting me and to rule the world (what
(swallow) oh no, forget that stuff
(eddress) ajac@usa.net
(where) Columbia MD/Asia
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(page) N/A
(sitename1) Cavers of Blood
(siteaddress1) /www.ioc.net/~kevcom/Main/Caverns.htm/
(meat) spam
(religion) yes
(tingle) sexual huevos
(beatle) none
(frequency) REM
(band) ABBA :)
(doobie) no
(movie) Forrest Gump (he's not a smart man)
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, school, censorship, john, ricky
(book) Cooking with Hair
(comic) "The Simpsons" aren't a comic book
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) me gusta mozerella
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) you already know every thing there is to tell, stalker!
(comments) i just love mike's spammy web sight. it smells spring time fresh,
removes stains and gets into those hard to reach corners. best of all, anyone
can use it! it's easy!
(name) Alan Zilberman
(quest) To live a putrid exsistence and die.
(swallow) What do you mean? African or European?
(eddress) 105315,665@compuserve.com
(where) Columbia, Maryland USA
(age) 12
(gender) Male
(sitename1) comedy central
(siteaddress1) www.comedycentral.com
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Spitlle
(beatle) john
(frequency) I don't care
(band) Bush
(doobie) no
(movie) The Quest for the Holy Grail
(destroy) barney, rangers, nsa, school, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky,
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) Spawn
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Parmesean
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I am a good friend of Mike Drakos' brother. I found your page by someone
named Dell
(comments) I think you have a lot of free time on your hands
(name) Emily
(quest) To achieve a state of universal chaos
(swallow) 0
(eddress) trbrown@erols.com
(where) Columbia
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) Anarchy
(tingle) Dents
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 69
(band) Pearl Jam
(doobie) yes
(movie) Dallas does Debbie
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, popculture, nsa, school, religions, sports,
censorship, loosers
(book) The My Body Book for Boys
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Toe
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I like monkeys, I like to watch the monkeys make love
(comments) It needs a death clock and I want to see the gimp
(name) keri
(quest) see what happens
(swallow) have no idea
(eddress) p6adams@erols.com
(where) alex, va, usa
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 101.1
(band) Alice in Chains
(doobie) no
(movie) Murder at 1600
(destroy) barney, rangers, skim, censorship, ricky, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) The Outsiders
(comic) Archie
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(name) matthew
(quest) to run the sub 5 minute mile
(swallow) slower than me
(where) columbia, md, 21045
(age) 17
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) none
(frequency) 0
(band) Dave Matthews Band
(doobie) yes
(movie) Dave Matthews Band
(destroy) sports, skim, apples, censorship, loosers
(book) Dave Matthews Band
(comic) Dave Matthews Band
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Dave Matthews Cheese
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhllamahhhhhhhhh
(comments) goofy
(name) Nuclear Toast
(quest) Sorry, that information is released on a need-to-know basis only.
(swallow) English or European?
(eddress) nuclear_toast@geocities.com
(where) Seattle, WA
(age) ugh
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.geocities.com/~nuclear_toast
(sitename1) Walter Miller
(siteaddress1) http://pages.prodigy.com/Hell/walter/
(sitename2) Alien Autopsy
(siteaddress2) http://www.trudang.com/autopsy.html
(sitename3) Weird and Gross
(siteaddress3) http://ezinfo.ucs.indiana.edu/~cdmoore/w
(meat) spam
(religion) Youbelongtomineanddon'tevenknowityet
(tingle) Being ripped off and picked at by llamas
(beatle) paul
(frequency) once a week
(band) Depeche Mode, and 311
(doobie) yes
(movie) The one with the guy and the chick
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) the one holding up the couch's corner
(comic) Elseworlds
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) gorgonzola
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) In my former life as a stone-age crimefighter, I saw and did just
about everything. Nowadays, stuff is different. I think about it a lot, and,
well, Fred said it best, but then he always does. My prized possession is my
collection of door-to-door salesmen. I often clean them while listening to
Depeche Mode tapes.
(comments) Your page is cool. kewl. kuhl. choul. quuul. And spiffy too. I'll
send you one of my limited-edition awards to place on your page. Especially if
you send me money (preferably Bangalorean dinars, or Bennigan's diners). Lemme
know if you want a Fuzzy Bunny story submission, omission, or transmission
(4-speed, I think).
(name) Veruca
(quest) My quest is to solve all of the vital mysteries in life, like what is
spam really made of? And, with that knowledge, I will conquer the world
(swallow) .01
(eddress) elysian@hotmail.com
(where) Seattle, WA, US
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(page) http://can'tremember.lookslikecrap.com
(meat) spam
(religion) The Coalition of Worshippers of Flan
(tingle) Gravy
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) *69
(band) Sky Cries Mary
(doobie) no
(movie) ifItelluthat, Iwillhavetosilenceuforever
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) Jane Eyre
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Smoked Cheddar
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I think you should know that I usually have nothing profound to
say - except when I haven't slept in a few days and am starting to hallucinate.
I sometimes blurt out interesting and unintelligible things then. You should
also know that I am known to dream about flying mules on occasion.
(comments) ITHINK YOUR PAGE IS CRAP!!!!! Just kidding, I thought it was really
cool. You seem like a very imaginative, original- if not slightly eccentric
(aren't we all?)- person.
(name) Dan Mc Gowan
(quest) make it throug a week at a time
(swallow) mach-1?
(eddress) dmcgow01@harris.com
(where) melbourne fl usa
(age) 25
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) dc to daylight
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) caddy shack
(destroy) barney, popculture, religions, sports, skim, apples, censorship,
ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) batman
(vote) Bob Dole
(cheese) chedder
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(name) Zowie
(quest) to become the most famous person who ever lived, to marry David Bowie,
to become one with the universe, and to then join the circus
(swallow) English or African?
(eddress) anavrin1@hotmail.com
(where) seattle,wa,us
(age) 16
(gender) Unditermined
(sitename1) teenage wildlife
(siteaddress1) www.etete.com/Bowie/
(meat) spam
(religion) Worshippers of Lord Bowie
(tingle) clearasil face pads
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) *69
(band) Cyndi Lauper
(doobie) no
(movie) Labyrinth
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) alaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(name) Bryan Creech
to count the beans that have yet to been counted,
cool beans in a coffee bean way on bean counter scale
(swallow) african or european?
(eddress) rbcreech@aol.com
(where) frisco,tx,usa
(age) 20
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) Beans
(tingle) fat people in spandex
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) .0000069
(band) Toadies
(doobie) yes
(movie) Ninja Scroll
(destroy) rangers, apples, ricky, loosers
(book) dats cool, but the Wheel of Time series
(vote) Twig
(cheese) Bleu
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) leem rop oop all clong shonlty di pooel ron foooooo can seen
lakeit bon booboo shlong es uo lusc obieny
Habid, where have you been?
I've been worried sick!!!
(name) Crazy
To harass you!!!!! Remember when umm.....oh yeah remember when I gave
you my cappucino and you got nautious(I think I spelled that wrong)
I Alan's Car?
(swallow) 6,981 something
(eddress) lakini3@juno.con
(where) Columbia,Md Close to the lake
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(sitename1) jksdfhfkdhjkhsfkjhgk
(siteaddress1) digfij
(sitename2) chjvjlxchj
(siteaddress2) jcnkjvh
(sitename3) kldjdjfklgj
(siteaddress3) jxdjkkd
(sitename4) bwmwklj
(meat) spam
(religion) satan lives under my bed!
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 62353 something
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) movie?
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
skim, apples, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) It
(comic) Comic?
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) feet
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I like to sleep and harass people because it's fun. This is my
second year at this hell hole of a school and I want to kill everyone
already. I guess I'm an over achiever who can't spell.
(comments) YOU'RE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(name) Enos Vilyam (aka "Evilyam"
(quest) To rid the world of the excessive waste of pepperjack toast
(swallow) appx. 100 mph
(eddress) evilyam@hotmail.com
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/2242
(meat) spam
(religion) Satan's Little Helpers
(tingle) 42 volts of electricity
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 463.52
(band) Dog Society
(doobie) yes
(movie) Akira (really! not because it was here)
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) I Wanna Go Home
(comic) Sam and Max
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Pepperjack
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) Me is oily. You are Sphen.
When you write the HTML for your survey, you don't have to specify the MAXLENGTH
for the forms. If you don't have a MAXLENGTH, the text box will keep expanding,
giving more space, and not pissing me off when I don't have a chance to write
all that I want to in the text boxes, and, given my knowledge of HTML, you have
no control over how much I write in this box, so I'm going to use the COPY and
PASTE to make it really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really long.
Now, the word "really" seems to have lost all meaning.
(quest) to own the largest pants in the world.
(swallow) 32.632 mps
(eddress) sir.shiva@juno.com
(where) strong island new york!
(age) 15
(gender) Unditermined
(siteaddress1) http://www.c8.com/bf/bf.html
(sitename2) Dutch Junglistic HQ
(siteaddress2) http://www.digiface.nl/~amp/
(sitename3) Borneo TravelNetwork
(siteaddress3) http://www.borneo.kc.com.my/
(sitename4) Unabomber'sManifesto
(siteaddress4) http://www.panix.com/~clays/Una/index.ht
(meat) spam
(religion) shintoism
(tingle) you
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 20.8953 Hz
(band) depeche mode
(doobie) yes
(movie) labyrinth
(destroy) grapenuts, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports, skim,
apples, censorship, john, ricky, elgaroo, loosers
(book) The Dharma Bums
(comic) you
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) mean
(holly) unjustified
ok. most american males say that the best way to settle an argument is
to have sex. just imagine the ways this would revolutionize the game
of hockey.
(comments) i have never been there.
(name) Jen
Being the ruler of the world would be nice.
Merlin shot comes in close second.
(swallow) 30 mph
(eddress) jsdavis@erols.com
(where) columbia,md
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(page) got none, sad isn't it
(sitename1) nin
(siteaddress1) http://nothing.nin.net
(sitename2) underground links
(siteaddress2) http://www.fc.net/phrack/under.html
(sitename3) Purity Tests
(siteaddress3) http://www.armory.com/tests/purity/.html
(sitename4) Anarchist Cookbook
(siteaddress4) your thing isn't long enough
(meat) spam
(religion) the magickly delicious crowd
(tingle) Rice Crispies (snap,Crackel,POP!)
(beatle) paul
(frequency) 1600am
(band) Stabbing Westward
(doobie) no
(movie) Crow
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, school, religions, sports, apples,
censorship, john, ricky
(book) do comics count?
(comic) Milk and Cheese
(vote) Twig
(cheese) Fontinella
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Once i was in Philadelpha (i can't spell) and some women came over and
grabbed my arm and asked in a shrilish voice "where are you from?"
when I told her she let go and cackeled "oh, that's nice." Then she
left. A few min. later a women walked by with a cardboard tube on her
shoulder and she screamed "blast dem bitches." A fun day was had by all.
(comments) If it is the same Twig it has 2 G's. He would be a good president.
(name) Francois Vincent
(quest) My quest is to undo the spell of living stone cast upon my parents by
the evil wizard Rasumman and return him to his own dimension.
(swallow) coconut?
(eddress) vinc@bohr.concordia.ca
(where) Montreal
(age) 21
(gender) Male
(sitename1) Alex's Home page
(siteaddress1) arbraham.ugrad.physics.mcgill.ca\~alexw
(meat) spam
(religion) Nun
(tingle) Bilbo Baggins
(beatle) john
(frequency) Grammar Bammer
(band) Das Beatles
(doobie) yes
(movie) Die Hard
(destroy) barney, popculture, school, skim, apples
(book) Yes.
(comic) Lethargic Lad
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Playboy
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Thirteen years ago, I was imprisoned by a renegade puppetteer. He was thrown
out of his guild for not liking Yoda enough. this hurt him greatly and much
anguish did he suffer. He was tormented by nightmares of 5 year olds selling
cocaine and Yoda lunchboxes.
He internalized his rage became world famous poet, Alejandro de Rasta! (the
exclamation point is part of his name). de Rasta! was on tour for this new book,
Thus I Eat, and I was at asigning when he snapped and took me to his hide-away
in Malibu where I was forced
to listen to an endless tirade against Mattel and their evil plots to steal the
rights to Scrabble from Milton bradley. Locked in a 4-room Condo next door to
the Miss florida contestants dormitory was a living hell. I only had 3-course
meals and used solid gold plates.
I kept one of the dessert forks and used it fight my way out against an armed
band 1 foot puppets controlled by none other than Alejandro himself!! I fought
for 2 weeks finally making out the front door when Alejandro made the mistake of
using a pas-a-gauche maneuver
to counter the foil-epee-sundae feint. What a fool! the next day he acknowledge
my superiority before the international Money Fund board and I was awarded my
own country, Badlargh. It is 2 square meters on my front lawn. Look for me in
the next olympics in the Javelin!
(comments) you spel real badd
(name) Kathy
(quest) to find the Holy Grail...
(swallow) North American or African??
(eddress) gandoll@gte.net
(where) Brea, CA USA
(age) 40
(gender) Female
(page) home1.gte.net/gandoll/index.htm
(meat) spam
(religion) Frisbeetarianism
(tingle) steel wool
(beatle) george
(frequency) 8.88mhz
(band) Dire Straits
(doobie) no
(movie) Koyanisquatsi
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, mtv, school, religions, apples, censorship, ricky,
(book) The Great and Secret Show
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Jalapeno Jack
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I thought I was a little twisted.....you, tho are the Champ, King, Emperor
and Grand Poobah of Twistedness. Just too cool!!
(comments) No major complaints.......more Fuzzy Bunny stories.....more Poetry
(name) Big bad guy
(quest) To get all the twinkies in the world
(swallow) really fast
(where) Columbia, MD
(age) 22
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) twinkies
(beatle) paul
(frequency) Hummm...twinkies?
(band) Mighty mighty boss tones
(doobie) yes
(movie) Ernest goes to jail
(destroy) barney, religions, censorship
(book) IT
(comic) Archie
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I need twinkies. lots and lots of twinkies. Oh by the way, never,
never, I repeat NEVER throw skittles at jazz guitarist while being a nordic
(comments) It's good but you need to have some twinkies on it.
(name) Robert Morrison
(quest) To aid the lawyers' quest of complete domination of earth
(swallow) appx. 50 mph
(eddress) info@mofo.com
(where) USA
(age) NA
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.mofo.com
(meat) spam
(religion) Satanism
(tingle) Satan
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) appx. 5000 khz
(band) Federal Duck
(doobie) no
(movie) The Firm
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) Teach Yourself Law in 21 Days
(comic) NA
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Monteray Jack
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
(comments) Why do people laugh when I tell them my web site domain name is
(name) Alan
(quest) To live a putrid existence and die
(swallow) What do you mean? African or European
(age) 12
(gender) Unditermined
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) john
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, religions, skim,
john, ricky
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(name) bondgrrl
(quest) To stalk you mercilessly until you email me and/or go to my site.
(eddress) bondgrrl2@hotmail.com
(where) Milwaukee wi
(age) 20
(gender) Female
(page) www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/1775
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) none
(band) Ministry/Pink Floyd
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Bob Dole
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) go to my site, it has anything you'd want to know.
(comments) You have a good sense of humor, now write me!!!
(name) cAPTAIN kIRCK
(quest) To bombard your TV set with thousands of never before seen on TV Spam
(swallow) 2.57 knots
(eddress) Capnkirck@aol.com
(where) Columbius,Maryland,Canady
(age) ?
(gender) Hermaphrodite
(page) no
(meat) spam
(religion) Canadian
(tingle) That unidentifiedspot on your ceiling
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 87
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) The Simpsons
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) The Simpsons
(comic) The Simpsons
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) The Simpsons
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
(themselves) Do you like the Simpsons?
(comments) jj
(name) Clownbelt/Griffin
To seek the Grail! Actually, to enjoy myself and someday, somehow, come up
with a good idea.
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) kon@pathway.net
(where) THe UNITED STates Of America
(age) 18
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/2461
(meat) spam
(religion) I am a Christian. Yourself?
(tingle) Not just Croutons-Naked croutons
(beatle) george
(frequency) Benzedrine, uh huh
(band) Pearl Jam
(doobie) yes
(movie) Star Wars
(destroy) censorship
(book) The Restaurant at the End of the Univers
(comic) Spawn
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Gouda, man, gouda
(bunny) mean
(holly) unjustified
I am very enthused about the chair I am sitting on right now. You see, it's a
new chair, and
the first thing that sprung to my mind was it's posture enhancing
characteristics. It's hard, sure,
but the lower back is a hellion, and it needs a rough time of it now and again.
I'm sure in no time
this chair will whoop my back into prime shape, if it doesn't kill me.
"Everybody needs pain to survive," I thought.
Wether it be emotional or purely physical...pain keeps you alive while at the
same time making
you want to die. Ironic? Cruel. strange that all this was brought to my
attention by a simple folding
metal chair, right? Maybe. It only takes a little to open your eyes.
I like your page. I think you have skill as a writer, which comforts me and
makes me jealous at the same time. Whoa, a little personal there wasn't I?
Sorry. I can also recognize your Douglas Adams influence, and I love it.
Stay cool.
(name) Dave Mattingly of Camelot
(quest) To wish a happy birthday to Elgaroo!
(swallow) An Earthling or a Martian swallow?
(eddress) mattingly@bigfoot.com
(where) Louisville, KY, USA
(age) 29
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.geocities.com/soho/5953
(meat) spam
(religion) Christianity
(tingle) Electrolysis
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) Driver 8 would know
(band) Ed's Redeeming Qualities, very like TMBG
(doobie) no
(movie) The Court Jester
(destroy) mtv, loosers
(book) The Elfin Ship
(comic) The Hulk (Peter David's stuff)
(vote) Bob Dole
(cheese) Mozerella
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
Since you apparently like TMBG, you'd probably like ERQ at my page. And since
you apparently like comics, you'd probably like the Power Point articles I write
for Haymaker, the superhero role-playing magazine, also at my page.
Akira and the Maxx aren't really my thing, though I'm familiar with them both.
The only anime I really ever got into was Speed Racer and Battle of the Planets
(Ninja Gatchaman) when I was a kid.
I couldn't figure out the ascii art in your sig. Is that a rocket?
--- My room is comfortably small...
(name) joshua
(swallow) blue....i mean green....aahhhh!
(eddress) joshua.m.halvorson@uwrf.edu
(where) river falls wi usa
(age) 21
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) food samples at the supermarket
(beatle) paul
(frequency) 2
(band) polka
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) reading is good
(name) Sir Metallica Boy Esquire
(quest) to die (I think I'll reach that goal eventually, eh?)
(swallow) I answered this before, look it up
(eddress) metalliboy@hotmail.com
(where) columbia
(age) 15
(gender) E-male
(page) www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/7178
(sitename1) NIN
(siteaddress1) nothing.net
(sitename2) MM CAS
(siteaddress2) www.dewn.com
(sitename3) metallica
(siteaddress3) ww2.metclub.com/main.cgi
(sitename4) AFA
(siteaddress4) www.afa.com (make fun of lil christians
(meat) spam
(religion) between atheism & c.o.satan (unsure)
(tingle) Ian (oooohhhh)
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) AMD K6 200 (oh yes!)
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) A Clockwork Orange
(destroy) mtv, school, religions, censorship, john, loosers
(book) A Clockwork Orange
(comic) Not a big reader
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) gorgonzola
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) Hey, I am not wearing any pants
(comments) Give it up! Please forgive Holly! Atleast change the survey
(name) Josiah Q. Bean
(quest) I seek the Grail
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) bleach@nbnet.nb.ca
(where) in a squallid little room with a rat
(age) 19
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/9707
(sitename1) rotten dot com
(siteaddress1) www.rotten.com
(sitename2) Timothy Leary's Page
(siteaddress2) www.leary.com
(sitename3) Vomitus Maximus
(siteaddress3) www.vomitus.com
(sitename4) Redhead Central
(siteaddress4) www.geocities.com/soho/lofts/1874
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) poison oak
(beatle) none
(frequency) benzedrine, uh huh
(band) the monoxides
(doobie) yes
(movie) Natural Born Killers
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) Spawn
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Chuck Norris movies
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I feel strangely drawn to this page and, for some reason, identify very strongly
fuzzy bunny. Why? I don't know. It's not something I can explain, it's
spiritual. It's like when thje voice in your head says to you, "Ah, ah, ah!
Turning into on-comeing traffic is counter-productive!"
This page has a warmness to it.
It's strangely familiar, like the towel that you bled all over
the night before
and decided to use as a pillow when you passed out.
(name) Tanith
(quest) At the end one must remeber that its all good. and no matter how happy
pple claim they are they still need a little love.
(eddress) tanith102@aol.com
(where) san anto, tejas...usa
(age) 22
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) rastafarian
(tingle) golden showers
(beatle) none
(frequency) ha ha
(band) Erykah Badu
(doobie) yes
(movie) Edward II
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
apples, censorship, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) Anais Nin talks
(comic) aeon flux
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) gouda cheese
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
(themselves) Usually its so beautiful i don't want to land. but then it happens
everyone crying. its ok to give pple love...everybody but everybody needs it.
its like an energy. everyone has it they just haven't found it. pple that is
the fifth element. She fed the lion candy till its teeth turned pink and
shattered. she picked up all the pieces hid them deep beneath her bed. made a
wish for lion trees but roses grew. red roses and the lion went hunting for his
food. pple its time to start treating each other like pple.
(comments) i meant hang instead of hand
(name) Stacey Shade
(quest) To find out where you are!!!!!!!!!!
(swallow) European or African?
(eddress) rtshade@erols.com
(where) Columbia, Merry-land, USA
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) Undecided
(tingle) Croutons and Merlin
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 101.1
(band) U2
(doobie) yes
(movie) Braveheart
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, popculture, school, sports, apples, censorship,
john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
(comic) Spawn
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Brie
(bunny) mean
(holly) unjustified
Man, where are you? I wanna see you before college starts.
PLEASE E-MAIL ME or something (rtshade@erols.com).
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
(name) Jim
(where) Chicago, IL, USA
(age) 22
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/6256/
(sitename1) Realm of Existential
(siteaddress1) members.aol.com/KatharenaE/pribate/Philo
(sitename2) Shaolin History
(siteaddress2) www.webcom.com/~shaolin/
(sitename3) Enterprise Mission
(siteaddress3) www.enterprisemission.com
(sitename4) The Onion
(siteaddress4) www.theonion.com
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(beatle) john
(band) The Verve
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(book) Hot Water Music-C. Bukowski
(comic) none
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(name) Nicole S
(quest) I Need A firend . Will U be my friend?
(eddress) lee.t@mailexcite.com
(where) CANADA EH!
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(band) Mozart
(doobie) no
(movie) Interview with a Vampire.
(destroy) religions
(book) The Starlight Crystal
(comic) Archie
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Marble
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) My friends call me Niki (some of them just call me Nicole
because that's my name) I like everything. (Well not everything. I'm fed up
with the trends and all that crap.) I am an individual. What can I say I'm
awsome. I'm a very nice, quiet individual I might add. (Well not that quiet.)
I'm on my friends computer. I'm not here for very long so e-mail me A.S.A.P.
If I'm not here my friend will give me the answer.
I think your cool.
(name) Simon
(quest) To find the holy grail...
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) simon@spatial.com
(where) Berthoud CO
(age) 30
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.concentric.com/~damberge
(meat) spam
(religion) Christian
(tingle) Good music
(beatle) george
(band) Beatles
(doobie) no
(movie) Blade Runner
(destroy) barney, censorship, loosers
(book) Once and Future King
(comic) none
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Cheddar
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
Bobette doesn't sound like a nice friend to have and Bob sounds like
he is a pretty honorable guy. I like the irony of checking things to
completely obliterate where one of the items is censorship...cool.
I like your poetry and have added a link to it from my GeoCities page.
(SoHo/5985). I hope everything works out for you, it isn't easy being
a Fuzzy Bunny for this world.
(name) Kim. a.k.a. Arienne
(quest) umm... to find the meaning in my life, and to find a tall, dark,
intelligent, guy for lots of really great sex.
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) demian123@aol.com
(where) upstate NY, USA
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) don't beleive in it.
(tingle) catholics.
(beatle) george
(band) U2
(doobie) no
(movie) the Graduate
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, mtv, school, religions, censorship,
ricky, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) The Fountainhead - READ IT THIS IS THE..
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) cheddar, extra sharp
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
Let's see... not to insult your friend, but Bobette was being just a *little
bit* immature
I'm Kim. I have brown curly hair. I like to draw, read, and HAVE FUN. I want
to own a boat and sail around the world. I want to rule the world. I like
smart people and my cat.
(name) Sarah
(quest) To become accepted in this world where weird is bad and the strange are
to be outcasts.
(swallow) 17
(eddress) planetmercury@hotmail.com
(where) Montreal, Quebec, Canada
(age) 16
(gender) Unditermined
(page) memebrs.tripod.com/~SarahD/index.html
(sitename1) CEA
(siteaddress1) www.amused.com
(meat) spam
(religion) Paganism
(tingle) giraffes
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 56.45429856
(band) King Missle (It's like They)
(doobie) no
(movie) Heathers
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) Sophie's World
(comic) Chris the giraffe
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Cheddar
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) Hurting other in the name of bloodsport for no particular reason
is fine with me although I am against violence
(comments) I am glad to see people like you not trying to hide behind a screen
of normality. This page is even funnier than the Hare Krsnas!
(name) Marco DeCaro
(quest) To kick everyone's ass!
(swallow) No Clue!
(eddress) marco_Dc@hotmail.com
(where) Montreal,Quebec,Canada
(age) 16
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) I'm Just Atheist
(tingle) Silk
(beatle) none
(frequency) 97.7FM
(band) 2Pac
(doobie) no
(movie) Metro
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, religions, skim, censorship, john, ricky,
fuzzbunn, elgaroo
(comic) Spiderman
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(name) DJ Crazy T
(quest) To become, or not to become, educated at the University of Maryland,
College Park!
(swallow) European or African?
(eddress) pumplin@wam.umd.edu -or- djcrazyt@hotmai
(where) College Park, MD, USA
(age) 17
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) The League of Fuzzy Bunnies
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 44 KHz, Baby!
(band) New Order
(doobie) yes
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, religions, sports,
skim, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) JTHM
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Munster
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) My Favorite Beatle is Tim Pumplin. He Is The Fifth Beatle. Ask
Angi. She Knows.
(comments) Elgaroo, I want to have your child.
(name) Mike Maddox
(quest) To conquer the world!!! BWAH HA HA...
(swallow) "we are the nights who say, NI!"
(eddress) Maddman42@aol.com
(where) Columbia, MD, USA
(age) 13
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) Channukan
(tingle) NI!
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) yo mama
(band) Prodigy
(doobie) no
(movie) Independence Day
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, nsa, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) Beavis&Butthead
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Munster
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I go to Wilde Lake Middle and am in 8th grade
(comments) awesome page, love the fuzzbunn stories, nifty music
(name) Maureen
(quest) To make people feel what they are afraid to
(eddress) piniongrl@hotmail.com
(where) Gaithersburg,MD,USA
(age) 20
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Chartruese
(beatle) john
(band) Nine Inch Nails(8 years)
(doobie) yes
(movie) A streetcar named desire
(destroy) barney, rangers, religions, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) Anything Edgar Allen Poe
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) Fresh Mozzerella
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I love inanimate objects more than humans cause if they hurt me I
know they didn't mean to (unless I'm suffering from severe paranoia)
Beautiful, I've yet to read you stories due to time but I will don't worry
LOL Maureen
(name) Jennifer Skees
(quest) I seek the holy grail!
(swallow) african or american swallow
(eddress) jskees@concentric.net
(where) Maryland
(age) 19
(gender) Unditermined
(page) www.geocities,com/hollywood/academy/4207
(sitename1) Gods of Britannia
(siteaddress1) www.flash.net/~damien/
(sitename2) Some Crackheads page
(siteaddress2) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4208
(sitename3) Ultima Online
(siteaddress3) www.ultimaonline.com
(sitename4) Elmo
(siteaddress4) www.woodworks.com/elmo/
(meat) spam
(religion) Dogbertism
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) Fuck if I know
(band) Eagles
(doobie) no
(movie) Gone with the Wind
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) Interview with a Vampire
(comic) nada
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) polio string cheese
(bunny) stupid
(holly) justified
(themselves) You have too much free time
(comments) You have too much free time, yet again...
(name) Kylie Rai Shannon, Goddess of Stupidity
KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(swallow) Huh?? 635 kpm, I think.
(eddress) kylie_gc@hotmail.com
(where) Delaware, USA
(age) 15
(gender) Female
(page) www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9671
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Spam
(beatle) ralf
(band) Dead Banana
(doobie) yes
(movie) Sailor Moon!!!!!!
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, school, john, loosers
(book) Hmm......that's a toughie.......
(comic) Sailormoon!!!!! (manga)
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) Hehehe.....Fuzzy Bunny's cool. You're strange and demented. My sis
and I like that.
(comments) I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!!!!!!!!
(name) Robyn
(quest) To meet you
(eddress) robynyontz@chesapeake.net
(where) Lusby, Md (usa)
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) paul
(band) NIN
(doobie) yes
(movie) Sid and Nancy or Natural Born Killers
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, school, censorship,
john, loosers
(book) Accident
(comic) Archie
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) string
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I am very impressed.....I think we have alot in common.....you
should e-mail me
(name) bumblebee tuna
(quest) to seek the road to nowhere
(swallow) fast
(age) 16
(gender) Hermaphrodite
(sitename1) blaah
(siteaddress1) taaaah
(sitename2) slaaah
(siteaddress2) smut
(sitename3) strut
(siteaddress3) bleeeeep
(sitename4) neeep
(siteaddress4) meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
(meat) spam
(religion) acid
(tingle) roach powder
(beatle) none
(frequency) can u c
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) anything where people get killed he he
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) none of thee above
(comic) sandman
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) cheesey cheese
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
(themselves) give myself head
you are the giant blood pulsing crazed fuzzy bunny that attacks me in my sleep
this music is vary annoying
(name) Nijuwan
(quest) many things
(swallow) 71459
(eddress) will let you know next week
(where) Swastika Ontario, CANADA
(age) 53
(gender) Unditermined
(meat) spam
(religion) Faculty of Asbestos
(tingle) outdated motherboards
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) 90
(band) Gay Bikers on Acid
(doobie) no
(movie) Eraserhead
(destroy) barney, popculture, mtv, sports, ricky, loosers
(book) The Pathetic Lox
(comic) n/a
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(name) sleeo king
(quest) to seek the holy sleep because i am very sleepy
(swallow) when i'm tired i can't think good
(eddress) ChocoPaco@aol.com
(where) Columbia MD Russia
(age) 13
(gender) E-male
(page) www.mofo.com
(sitename1) frank
(siteaddress1) www.sinatra.com
(meat) spam
(religion) croutons
(tingle) nonely
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) AM
(band) They Might Be Boneheads
(doobie) yes
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, mtv, school, religions,
sports, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) Book?
(comic) COMIC book?
(vote) Ralph Nader
(cheese) toe
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
My favorite movie in appriviated the whole name is
"Dont Be A Menece To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood"
even though i have never seen it
There are to many words on the first page.
Reminder: i got here from Dell's page
(name) Mark the Magical Mountain Man
(quest) world domination and/or sex.
(swallow) In what month?
(eddress) airwalk@network-one.com
(where) Hell. Oh, oops, Fulton, Ms. Itawamba co.
(age) 16
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.network-one.com/~airwalk
(sitename1) The Itawamba Co.page
(siteaddress1) http://www.co.itawamba.ms.us
(sitename2) Ace's page
(siteaddress2) http://www.network-one.com/~acoleman
(sitename3) The Grim Page
(siteaddress3) http://www.network-one.com/~airwalk
(sitename4) SPAM.COM
(siteaddress4) http://www.spam.com
(meat) spam
(religion) The cult of the dead cow
(tingle) Static Electricity
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 2600 mhz
(band) Loop 32
(doobie) yes
(movie) Pulp Fiction
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) What's a book?
(comic) What's this whole "BOOK" thing?
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) moldy
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I have an extra toe. please don't hate me.
(comments) it's better than bad.
(quest) To find the holy grail
(swallow) is that the african or european one?
(eddress) Skitzomatic@geocities.com
(where) Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
(age) 14
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/southbeach/cove/3259
(sitename1) just look at my page
(siteaddress1) www.geocities.com/southbeach/cove/3259
(meat) spam
(religion) I'm christian
(tingle) 240 volts, 15 amp electric currents
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) wha?
(band) Spiderbait
(doobie) yes
(movie) BZZZart! wap (starwars)
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, religions, skim, apples,
censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) THGTTG (how did you know)
(comic) Fred the dogs marvy adventures (jk)
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Monterey
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Umm. Can I have one of these survey things please?
(comments) Youre funny. Thats about it. I am prolly very like you.
(name) Alan
(quest) To find the holy grail
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) objectivist@mail.liberty.com
(where) Cypress, CA USA
(age) 24
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.liberty.com/home/objectivist/
(sitename1) WebWired
(siteaddress1) http://www.web-wired.com
(meat) spam
(religion) Christian
(tingle) knives and lightsockets
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) Ask Dan Rather
(band) Live
(doobie) no
(movie) Bright Lights Big City
(destroy) barney, rangers, school, apples, censorship
(book) Tropic of Cancer
(comic) X-Men
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Swiss
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(name) Derick B.
(quest) to come to some sort of understanding
(swallow) european or african?
(eddress) bluegod23@hotmail.com
(where) Cedar hill, TX u.s.a
(age) 27
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) my own
(tingle) really good sex
(beatle) john
(frequency) 152 Mhz
(band) the church
(doobie) no
(movie) Barbarella
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, censorship, ricky, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) The Mists of Avalon
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I could tell you, but then I'ld have to kill you.
(name) hanni lee
(swallow) will he have a coconut?
(eddress) skyelarck@aol.com
(where) New York City, New York
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Pretzels while sitting in a vat of jam
(beatle) ringo
(band) Mighty Mighty bosstones
(doobie) no
(movie) grease
(destroy) barney, rangers, religions, skim, apples, loosers
(book) grapes of wrath
(comic) Gen 13
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) swiss
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
(themselves) girls are always justified when they beat up guys
(name) Chao
(quest) enema
(swallow) 28800
(eddress) pptt@sfsu.edu
(where) SF
(age) 26
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) yes
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) elgaroo
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) amusing
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) excited
(comments) great
(name) juniper hill
to decide whether or not i am of the caliber to take over the world.
me and a
freind are slowly working toward that goal... it involves lots of salt...
(swallow) african or european?
(eddress) juniiku@nanospace.com
(where) palo alto califoria usa earth.
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) my own....
(tingle) kalidescopes w/one too many colors
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) rem?! nani?
(band) i need more room than this...
(doobie) no
(movie) 1984, brazil, nakedlunch
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx, kabuki
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) grilled
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) bah, drop me a line, goddamn it!
(comments) see above...^
(name) The Undertaker
The complete destruction of all things annoying (i.e goth freaks and Merlin).
The complete dominance of Columbia
by sanity (I am sure it was there, It is just gone now)
(swallow) Holy Grail is NOT that great a movie....
(eddress) latif@clark.net
(where) Columbia, MD USA
(age) 18
(gender) Male
(page) http://www.angelfire.com/md/Rizwan/index
(sitename1) Cranky Movie Reviews
(siteaddress1) http://internet-plaza.net/zone/mrcranky/
(meat) spam
(tingle) Cute Girls
(beatle) none
(band) White Zombie
(doobie) no
(movie) The Crow
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
skim, apples, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) The Necromoncian
(comic) Spawn
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Swiss
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
I know a lot of people you know. In fact I think that your friends like Tim
Pumplin and
Alan could tell you who I am.
Good page. I don't agree with everything you do or say but you earned a lot of
points in my book for that I hate Merlin page.
(name) wouldn't you like to know??
I seek many things. THe least of which is my watch. Oh wait, I've
found it. Anyway, I also seek an invention that will allow me to take
control of the world. But first, I will strike that vile haven of
vileness, FRANCE!!
(swallow) African,. or European?
(eddress) I don't know :(
(where) Columbia, MD, USA
(age) 17
(gender) Male
(page) mike's Fiendish Thingy
(meat) spam
(religion) second Day Adventist of Me
(tingle) Denorex
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 3 hertz/sec
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) A Clockwork Orange
(destroy) barney, rangers, religions, sports, skim, censorship, ricky
(book) Lord of the Ringsuide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Tick
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Mozzarella
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
You see, I'm at Mike's computer, but it's not Mike. Actually, I'm,
uhh, I shouldn't tell. Naww, I couldn't. But you see, if you see
Mike, then You'll probably see me, too. And If not, look closer.
(comments) It's super-keen terrific
(name) kyle
(quest) to find out what's going on back at the lake
(eddress) ksmith@simons-rock.edu
(where) Great Barrington, MA, USA
(age) 16
(gender) Unditermined
(page) http://www.geocities.com/Area51/6919
(sitename1) Elgaroo's Psychic En
(siteaddress1) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4208
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) you
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) 99.1 WHFS
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) Neuromancer
(comic) The Invisibles
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Gouda
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
hey brenza... how are things going at the lake...and how's angi c.
and how goes Florian and FF7 and h... anything of note happen
since i was last home?
(comments) fuzzy fuzzy hug
(name) come on, you know
(quest) to save the existing members of peter's little hot spot
(swallow) 2m/s(allowing peanuts)
(where) heeeeee here
(age) 17
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) i'm not at liberty to disclose that info
(tingle) mace
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) 78
(doobie) yes
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, school, religions, sports, apples, john,
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) blue or...
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
(themselves) you lie mercanary, and i will destroy the funk you live in as well
as what you did and you know what you did sleep while you can.
(comments) it's pretty neat
(name) beth
(quest) sanity
(swallow) i'm really trying to smile at that one
(eddress) Mothgirl@aol.com
(where) Woodbury, MN
(age) 20!!
(gender) Female
(page) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2187
(sitename1) The People of K
(siteaddress1) www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/9017
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) paul
(band) Boris The Sprinkler
(doobie) no
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, nsa, school, religions, sports,
censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Bell Jar
(comic) the Enchanted
(vote) Ralph Nader
(cheese) fat free, of course
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
She's tired and lonely, scared and depressed.
sweetie, you misspell a lot of words, but if you're going to be a writer,
you need to understand that "writting" is NOT a word. one 't' will suffice.
(name) john
(where) atlanta,ga usa
(age) 50
(gender) Male
(page) no
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ringo
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(name) Mel Gaston
(quest) To Find the Holy Grail
(swallow) the mean velocity I assume you mean...
(eddress) mgaston@wam.umd.edu
(where) Columbia & College Park MD
(age) 18
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) Sumerian
(tingle) Grenadine
(beatle) george
(frequency) Doh ! I ferget
(band) close, but metallica rules all
(doobie) no
(movie) D actually, but Akira is a close 3rd
(destroy) barney, popculture, mtv, school, sports, skim, apples, censorship,
fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) "Everything you wanted to now about sex
(comic) TMNT VII
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Provolone
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
oh, I think you know it all already, and 'H' was perfectly justified
need more space in the responses sections of the survey
insufficient room for long answers
(name) chewy p. chomp aka........nina
(quest) my quest, to find out how many popsicle sticks it would take to build a
70,000 foot replica of Jerry Springer
(swallow) european or african?
(eddress) jabberwocky26
(where) columbabubble maggotland U.S of A
(age) -64
(gender) Unditermined
(sitename1) thirteen
(siteaddress1) www.thirteen.com
(sitename2) Your mom
(siteaddress2) www.gavegoodhead.com
(meat) spam
(religion) BEANISM!!
(tingle) yogurt
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) fizzzzzzzzzzzzzz~pop
(band) They Might be Junkies
(doobie) yes
(movie) Goats:a Documentary
(destroy) barney, popculture, nsa, school, religions, sports, apples,
censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
(comic) The Sandman
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Lime Green!!!
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
well i was born in pakistan in a cardboard box underneath a stand of gords and
lentill beans. my mother left the box one day to go hunting for unborn chikin
fetuses and she never returned. she had been attacked by kicking screaming gucci
little piggies!!! what was i to do? i hid in my box for months, and days and
endless minutes. i thought that this was the end!!! i thought i saw the cheese
at the end of the tunnel that answered to the name of DRAKOS!! but just as i was
about to fall into the endless abyss of dark and moldy cheesiness.............
i was saved by a pretty little pickle fetus!!!!!!!!!!!!
well thats it, my novel, my tale of tales. " And I'll Never Look at Cheese the
Same Way Again."
your webpage seems to by somewhat inadequite, missing something, not living to
its fullest possible potential. and why you ask me why!!!! because!!!! there is
nothing in here about ARTHUR!!!! wheres your
faith!!! your loyalty!!! i thought ARTHUR was of importance to you!! this
gracious Ardvark died for you and this is how you repay him?!!!!
i... i uh have to go.....i need to be alone for a minute.
(name) Tracie
(quest) To explore with discernment, taking in the good and leaving behind that
which will weight me down.
(swallow) Same as velocity of a runaway lima bean.
(eddress) Mauriello.1@osu.edu
(where) Ohio
(age) 26
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Bach
(beatle) ralf
(band) Enya & They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Wizard of Oz
(destroy) rangers, popculture, mtv, religions, censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) Provolone
(bunny) huh
(holly) justified
This is a cool web site.
By the way, I had a lot of the same answers as they person who filled
this out before me, but felt like a copy cat to also say that I liked
the Hitchhikers Guide and They Might Be Giants. I wonder what's worse:
people who pretend to be like everybody else to be cool or people who
pretend not to be like other people even when they are.
I liked playing here. Thanks for an amusing time.
There is another cool web site you should check out, but I don't know
the URL. If you search for "Gorski and Seeker" you should come across it.
It's a friend's page who has a really cool philosophy of life. (And he
likes "They Might Be Giants" too.) You might like it. I do.
Oops. I think I answered this question in the previous part, but it bears
repeating: COOL SITE!
(name) MR. T(I mean Revrend Dale)
(quest) To find the holy grail, and a sandwich where the turkey's not to dry.
(swallow) African of European
(eddress) bfberan@concentric.net
(where) Latvia
(age) 48
(gender) Hermaphrodite
(page) no.
(sitename1) MR T ate my balls
(siteaddress1) ???
(sitename2) ?
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 34.7 I mean Ringo
(band) Joanie and the pussy cats
(doobie) yes
(movie) Joanie and the pussy cats
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, nsa, mtv, sports, skim, john, ricky, elgaroo
(book) The holy Bible, especialy the sexy parts
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Ringo
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
NO one loves me..
except Ringo.
(comments) Ring-- nevermind
(name) Um...Rachel
(quest) To successfully terminate the invasion of blue food coloring into
innocent chocolate candies...a horrible violation of a once-sacred food, it
(swallow) fast
(eddress) squeakypig@hotmail.com
(where) an insignificant little town, Md...
(age) 18
(gender) Female
(page) oops...
(meat) spam
(religion) don't ask...
(tingle) Windex...oh yeah...
(beatle) ringo
(frequency) 14.7
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) Trainspotting...or Swingers...
(destroy) barney, rangers, popculture, mtv, religions, sports, censorship,
ricky, loosers
(book) The Lottery & Other Short Stories...
(comic) JTHM
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Colby Jack
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Cleaning out my email box today and ran across (not in an entirely literal
sense) a mail that you had sent me quite awhile back, with a link to this page
on it...So I looked and, being as I have this bizarre weakness when it comes to
surveys (a weakness which has led me to accumulate many a useless credit card),
here I am...filling out a survey...you've made my evening and I hurl my
gratitude at you in a completely non-violent manner...
They Might Be Giants are my favorite band, as a matter o' fact...
Paul's grandfather was indeed a clean fellow, however, he was also a bit on the
evil side.
On average, 100 people die each year from choking on ballpoint pens...take
In a nutshell,
If my opinion really does indeed matter, for what it's worth, it's probably the
best page I've seen yet...creative, unique, and overall swell...especially the
Fuzzy Bunny stories...
Jes' thought I'd share...
(name) elizabeth bland
(quest) to hopefully, one day in the not-forseen future, watch as a person
looks intently and mesmorizingly at one of my paintings, and sighs in
realization of life
(swallow) i don't know, watched the movie, though
(eddress) rbland@alumni.uark.edu
(where) arkansas
(age) young
(gender) Female
(siteaddress1) ?
(sitename2) Rusted Root
(siteaddress2) too lazy to check
(meat) spam
(religion) frozen choosen(presbyterian, christians)
(tingle) zest
(beatle) ringo
(band) Widespread Panic
(doobie) yes
(movie) empire strikes back
(destroy) popculture, loosers
(book) 1984
(comic) don't read them
(vote) Bill Clinton
(cheese) kraft singles
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I'm from arkansas, and i chew tobacco. Actually, i am from
arkansas but i write sophisticated poetry about the hypocricy of culture and the
robots of the industrialized world. By sophiticated, i mean, i called them cows
instead of !@#$%^& cows.
(comments) rather fun, i enjoy torturing others, also, with nonesense survets
in which i get to probe and hopefully others found something about themselves
while searching for idiotic answers.
(name) jai
(quest) to serve all the psycho people in the world
(swallow) 5
(eddress) oceansands@hotmail.com
(where) MD
(age) 18
(gender) Female
(page) n/a
(meat) spam
(religion) baptist
(tingle) ice
(beatle) paul
(frequency) 5
(band) squirrel nut zippers
(doobie) no
(movie) AUstin powers
(destroy) barney, rangers, school, sports, skim, apples, censorship, john,
ricky, loosers
(book) flowers in the attic
(comic) n/a
(vote) Twig
(cheese) monteray jack
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(name) andrew
(quest) to find stuff
(swallow) quick as a flea on crack
(eddress) paganheart@hotmail.com
(where) near philadelphia
(age) enuff
(gender) Unditermined
(page) www.geocities.com/soho/gallery/2663
(sitename1) i dunno
(siteaddress1) ~
(sitename2) ~
(siteaddress2) ~
(sitename3) ~
(siteaddress3) ~
(sitename4) ~
(siteaddress4) ~
(meat) spam
(religion) the one where they do that thing...
(tingle) Croutons, and leather
(beatle) george
(frequency) that news guy?
(band) the one that has that song....
(doobie) yes
(movie) i like a bunch, ask me later
(book) alot of'em
(comic) The Maxx was good, if your into insanity
(vote) Bob Dole
(cheese) bob dole
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) pretend i wrote something very clever in here.
(comments) hey, everybody needs a bosom for a pillow. right?
(name) Cacapupududuhead
(quest) That which is unusual, obnoxious, mmutated, and/or spastic, and other
general silliness
(swallow) spit
(eddress) biderbek@pacbell.net
(where) LA, CA, USA
(age) 27
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) Bacchanism
(tingle) Hydrochloric Acid
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 52.3
(band) The London Philharmonic
(doobie) no
(movie) The Autobiography of a Flea
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) Anything by Charlie Bukowskie
(comic) Tank Girl
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) CheezWiz
(bunny) amusing
(holly) justified
(themselves) Bob secretly liked it, and besides, this is just further proof
that Bob worshippers are psycho!
(comments) (Large mutated brain turd here)
(name) Mark Ude
To find my soul mate, pay off my debt from school, and escape off this
totally forsaken rock where I've been exiled for the last two years....
(swallow) African or European?
(eddress) Mark@samoatelco.com
(where) Pago Pago, American Samoa
(age) 33
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) Lutheran
(tingle) Soft sandy beaches
(beatle) john
(frequency) THX 1138
(band) OASIS
(doobie) no
(movie) Cool Hand Luke
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, mtv, school, skim,
censorship, ricky, loosers
(book) The Arnheiter Affair
(comic) Sgt. Rock
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Ricotta
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Stranded California Surfer stuck in the South Pacific. Wasted four
years of my life in College, another four years in the Navy, and yet
again three years of my life were sucked away in Law School (Bobette
should be sued for assault and batttery and Intentional Infliction of
Emotional Distress). Add all those wasted years of school and military
service to the fact my semi-significant other is chasing her career in
El Centro (Deputy District Attorney), and my good friend just totaled
my Porsche last week. But on the brighter side, I'm enjoying the
salary/benefits of a six figure salary, wearing shorts to my cool
job at work (investigate accidents on tuna boats) and breathing
clean air and not worrying about the Bar Exam I'm supposed to be
studying for which is less than a month from now in Hawaii.
I found your site via search for "bunny". Needless to say, I was
greatly impressed by your short quips on Fuzzy Bunny. I'm disappointed
you haven't continued, as I'm sure you could excell in many fields
(see success of The Simpsons and South Park) Anyway, not to sound
like a know-it-all, I do think you really ought to go back to school.
The creativity you've demonstrated is great, and you shouldn't close
doors just because high school is a waste of time. It is. But in
the world of ours some things have to be suffered through.
By the way, could I have permission to copy/send the Fuzzy Bunny
stories to my friends? (sort of need your legal consent)
(name) juniper hill
to search out intelligent life forms (i have a feeling one of them
lives in columbia!)
(swallow) african or european?
(eddress) juniiku@nanospace.com
(where) 1094tanlandDr#104paloaltoCa94303
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) the church of dumb
(tingle) yougurt (?)
(beatle) cleanoldman
(frequency) REM. blah.
(band) lalalalalalala
(doobie) no
(movie) schitzopolis
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions, sports,
skim, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) watership down
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Feta
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) love you!!!
(comments) write me a real letter!
(name) Jimbob
To live my life in a large overstuffed beanbag chair eating spam and pixie stix
while large breasted scantily clad women dance before me and
i can watch all the members of hanson and the spice girls systematically have
their vocal cords confiscated as part of a scientific experiment to reduce toxic
noise pollution on our planet.
(swallow) Swallow? um..hehe..ok.
(eddress) j2love@hotmail.com
(where) Laurel Md. U.S.A.
(age) 20
(gender) E-male
(page) http://www.angelfire.com/md/palace
(sitename1) the nothing page
(siteaddress1) http://www.nothing.com
(sitename2) No comment.
(siteaddress2) http://www.technowhore.com
(sitename3) Jimmies chicken shak
(siteaddress3) http://www.fowl.com
(sitename4) The spam page
(siteaddress4) http://www.spam.com
(meat) spam
(religion) Puddle-ism
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) My Dixie Wrecked!!!
(band) Screeching Weasel!!!
(doobie) yes
(movie) Half Baked!!
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, sports,
skim, apples, censorship, ricky, fuzzbunn, elgaroo, loosers
(book) Pet Sematery
(comic) Milk And Cheese!!!
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) texas Longhorn!!
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
About me? i dunno. i have met you at the lake front and coblumia mall with all
my buds but we dont really talk
so you whouldnt know who i was if i told you. Well stay cool and BEWARE THE
Can we inclde you in our webring of insanity? Your page has been reviewed by the
board and found worthy. (Quite an honor)heehee
Only complaint is i signed your i hate merlin page like a bajillion years ago
and our names are still not up.
Other than that it rocks and i will save the large deffication for the Hanson
page. ~Love, peace and chicken grease~*Gone*
(name) Matt Pumplin
(quest) I seek the holy grail
(swallow) Is that an African or European swallow
(eddress) elfmatt@hotmail.com
(where) Columbia Maryland
(age) 13
(gender) Male
(meat) spam
(religion) Lutheran
(tingle) Cute Bunnys
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) I don't know.
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) Anything Ranma1/2
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, religions, skim, censorship,
john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) good(a)
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I Am Not My Brother's Clone! I Am My Own Seperate Entity! Also,
I Like To Write The First Letter Of Every Word As A Capitol.
(comments) The Fuzzy Bunny Stories Are Quite Hilarious. I Find Them Highly
Amusing. The Mods Are Great Too
(name) Bryan
(quest) To get my stolen SPAM back.
(swallow) European or African
(eddress) bryanl83@hotmail.com
(where) Columbia, MD, USA
(age) 13
(gender) Male
(page) none
(meat) spam
(religion) SPAM
(tingle) Croutons
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) SPAMburgers
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
skim, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) The Maxx
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Spamed
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) I want my SPAM!!!!
(comments) Have you seen my SPAM?
(name) Abby
(quest) To find a serious prose to use for a speech next year.
(swallow) there is no velocity
(eddress) abbylovesme@hotmail.com
(where) USA
(age) 16
(gender) Female
(meat) spam
(religion) Episcopalian
(beatle) paul
(frequency) kenny dies
(band) Matchbox 20
(doobie) yes
(movie) Scream
(destroy) barney, rangers, loosers
(book) anything written by John Grisham
(vote) Ross Perot
(cheese) I don't eat cheese
(bunny) funny
(holly) justified
You write very depressing stories, proses. I like them.... you should try
writing something longer.... look at insanity instead of abstract!
Keep up the good work!
(name) opie(alex)
(quest) to find the stuff and a grail i think
(swallow) euopean? or African
(eddress) demonlost@aol.com
(where) usa, columbia md
(age) 16
(gender) Male
(page) no
(meat) spam
(religion) ????????????????????
(beatle) ralf
(frequency) 987
(band) well no
(doobie) no
(movie) Akira
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, popculture, nsa, mtv, school, religions,
sports, apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) Squee
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) jack
(bunny) huh
(holly) unjustified
(themselves) she left a blommin scar dammit
(comments) poop
(name) Seth M. Penning
(quest) To learn of fuzzie bunnies, spam, and other mind expanding things.
(swallow) African or European
(eddress) Deuswolf@hotmail.com
(where) Tucson, Arizona, USofA
(age) 14
(gender) Male
(sitename1) Aerosmith
(siteaddress1) www.aerosmith.com
(sitename2) Queensryche
(siteaddress2) www.queensryche.com
(sitename3) TSR Inc.
(siteaddress3) www.tsrinc.com
(meat) spam
(religion) None
(tingle) Squid
(beatle) john
(frequency) 9 times a day
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) yes
(movie) Pulp Fiction
(destroy) barney, grapenuts, rangers, nsa, school, religions, sports, skim,
apples, censorship, john, ricky, loosers
(book) The Turing Option
(comic) Me no like 'em
(vote) Space Ghost
(cheese) Cream
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
(name) Bella
(quest) To find the coolest, most bizarre web page!
(swallow) 1225 mph
(eddress) amabelle@nque.com
(where) BellaLand , Ne, USA
(age) 18
(gender) Female
(page) www.nque.com/~amabelle/
(meat) spam
(religion) Agnostic :p
(tingle) Bubbles
(beatle) john
(frequency) loud and clear
(band) Bush, Smashing Pumpkins
(doobie) yes
(movie) Strange Days or The Crow
(destroy) barney, rangers, religions, sports, censorship
(book) Just one?!
(comic) The Crow
(vote) Cthulhu
(cheese) Hot and Spicy :)
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
Hmm....something about myself....I think I'm....I think you just want
me to go off, all egotistical about myself, that's what I think!! Ok, I'm
paranoid. There...now the truth is out :) do'h!
(comments) I think your page is the wackiest page I've seen yet :)
(name) MWBailey
(quest) To find the ultimate postable poem.
(swallow) about twice that of a laiden swallow
(eddress) mwbaoley@hotmail.com
(where) Houston, Texas, USA
(age) 37
(gender) Male
(page) www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/5411/
(meat) spam
(religion) sacred galactophages
(tingle) female galactopohages with red hair
(beatle) ringo
(band) They Might Be Giants
(doobie) no
(movie) Yohko Devil Hunter
(destroy) barney, rangers, fuzzbunn, loosers
(book) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
(comic) Black Zeppelin
(vote) Dancing Naked Llama
(cheese) Brie-and pepper
(bunny) funny
(holly) unjustified
sure you do. I'm a likable guy.
I am a bald, overweight, limping old guy with a penchnat for cruising the web.
Nice page.
no, really!