[IMG: Nightstorm Mother]

Elgaroo's Survey

Would you like to take a survey?

This is just a little survey to help me know who you are. Feel perfectly free to respond or not respond to any question in any manner you see fit. Thank you for your time.

HEY YOU! This form no longer works and is defunked. It is presented here in it's original entireity strictly for historical purposes, and as an explaination to the form post archive below. Do not post, this is an ancient servey from back in the day when this page was originally on GeoCities (http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4208/), before they killed it. a new survey will hopefully be up soon. enjoy!

Here is an archive of every response i ever got to this form.

What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?

What's your e-mail address?

Where do you live? (city, state, country)

How old are you?

What gender are you?

If you have a home page, what's it's URL?

What are some good web sites?

What's your favorite luncheon meat?

What religion do you belong to?

What makes your skin tingle?

Who was your favorite Beatle?
Paul's grandfather (He's a very clean man.)
I hate the Beatles (Not a good idea. Punishable by public execution in Great Britain.)

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

What's your favorite band?

Can you imagine Doobie in yo funk?
Lord no!
Ohhh yeah!

What's your favorite movie?

Which of the following do you belive are in dire need of total and utter obliteration (click any that apply):
Grape Nuts
the Mighty Morphin Power Reangers
popular American culture
American public high schools
organized religions (especially the Catholic Church)
professional sports
skim milk
Apple computers
censorship (of any kind)
my stepfather
Ricky Lake
Fuzzy Bunny
people who are such loosers that they can't be who they are and in stead mire thier individuality in a disgusting, pathetic attempt to be something they're not, just because it's cool.

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorite comic book?

Who did you/would you have voted for in the last presidential election?

What's your favorite kind of cheese?

What did you think of The Painfull Adventures of Fuzzy Bunny?
Laughed my ass off!
Wanted to puke!
You actually waste your time writting stupidity like that? And you actually want people to see it too?
How could you do such horrible things to that poor, cute little bunny?
I guess they were slightly amusing.
Fuzzy what?

What is your opinion on the following scanario (names have been changed to protect those involved from harshness):

This last question regards an incident which has been fully resolved, and the parties involved have agreed to never mention it again. As a condition of this agreement this question must be removed, but for the sake of the archive let it be saidn that it involved K-Mart, fun noodles, two individuals, mild violence, and a minor injury. Nuff said.

Do you belive Bobette was:
Not justified in her malicious actions against Bob?
Completely justified in her actions against Bob?

Tell me anything else you want to about yourself. Don't be shy, I like you already.

And finally, please tell me anything you want to tell me about my home page or myself. I am open, and quite desiring in fact, any and all comments, complaints, questions, and/or large deffications.

HEY YOU! This form no longer works and is defunked. It is presented here in it's original entireity strictly for historical purposes, and as an explaination to the form post archive below. Do not post, this is an ancient servey from back in the day when this page was originally on GeoCities (http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/4208/), before they killed it. a new survey will hopefully be up soon. enjoy!

Here is an archive of every response i ever got to this form.

Once your done, just click on the "Send" button and your survey is on it's way to my e-mailbox. There may not be any visible indication that your survey was sent once you push the button, but don't worry, it worked (hopefully). Thank you very much for taking the time out to fill this out for me. i hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to look around my page as for long as you like, and naza trushkin!

     |    Thee Rev St of Skuzzbunnies, Sr Elgaroo Brenza du sLAcKE
   * | *  Cytoplastic Ninja Clan, Psychic Enema Division
    /|\   elgaroo@13th-floor.org
   / | \  http://elgaroo.13th-floor.org/
  (()|()) ICQ#: 1979348
   \/|\/  "Tengo un peinado incredible."
Sam Kieth's Bunny
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